
Ayurvedic Post-Natal Therapy - Restoring Health & Wellness After Pregnancy

Women face significant physical and emotional changes during pregnancy and after childbirth. The journey of pregnancy brings immense joy, but it also puts a considerable strain on the body. After delivery, women often experience a range of challenges, including physical discomforts like back pain, abdominal bloating, and disrupted sleep patterns, as well as emotional changes such as mood swings, anxiety, and postpartum depression. These changes require careful attention and nurturing to ensure a smooth recovery and the well-being of both the mother and the newborn.

Ayurveda, an ancient system of natural healing, offers comprehensive post-natal care that focuses on restoring health, balance, and wellness. I, Dr. Geeta Patil from Sanjeevani Ayurveda, will share insights into Ayurvedic post-natal therapy and how it can support new mothers during this crucial time.

What is Post-Natal Care/Therapy?
Post-natal care, known as post-partum care, refers to the support and medical care given to the mother following the birth of her baby. This period is crucial for the mother’s physical and emotional recovery. It involves various practices and treatments aimed at helping the mother heal, regain her strength, and ensure she can care for her newborn effectively. This care can include proper nutrition, rest, physical activity, and emotional support.

Understanding Post-Natal Therapy in Ayurveda
Ayurvedic post-natal therapy, known as "Sutika Paricharya," encompasses a range of treatments and practices designed to nurture and heal a woman's body after childbirth. This period is marked by the need for rejuvenation, strengthening, and balancing of the doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha). The primary focus is on calming the Vata dosha, which can become aggravated due to the physical stress of childbirth, leading to issues such as fatigue, anxiety, and digestive disturbances.

Changes After Delivery
After delivery, a woman's body undergoes significant changes that require careful attention and care:

  • Back pain due to the strain of childbirth and breastfeeding.

  • Abdominal bloating often caused by hormonal changes and digestive issues.

  • Disrupted sleep patterns due to the demands of caring for a newborn.

  • Increased risk of urinary infections due to changes in the urinary tract.

  • Constipation caused by hormonal changes and reduced physical activity.

  • Muscle pain resulting from labor and delivery.

  • Mood swings due to hormonal fluctuations and the stress of new responsibilities.

  • Postpartum depression, a serious condition that may require medical support.

  • Feelings of helplessness often related to fatigue and the demands of caring for a newborn.

  • Anxiety and stress due to the adjustments required in the post-natal period.

Essential Ayurvedic Therapies for Post-Natal Care

Abyangam (Herbal Medicated Massages)
Abyangam involves the application of warm herbal oils through massage. This practice helps to relax the body, soothe the mind, and alleviate the discomfort and pain that arise from hormonal changes and the physical strain of childbirth.

Kashaya Dhara (Herbal Decoction Treatment)
Kashaya Dhara the pouring of warm herbal decoctions over the body. This continuous stream of medicated liquid aids in relieving inflammation, soothing the skin, and reducing muscle and uterine tension.

Podikizhi (Hot Fomentation Treatment)
In Podikizhi, herbal powders are tied in cloth bundles, heated, and applied to the body. This treatment helps to alleviate musculoskeletal and neuromuscular pain, promote skin rejuvenation, and support the healing of postpartum scars.

Veshtanam (Abdominal Bandaging)
Veshtanam wrapping the new mother’s abdomen with a long cotton cloth after the daily massage. This practice supports the back and abdomen, helps maintain Vata balance in the uterine area, prevents backache, and reduces abdominal sagging post-delivery. For those who have had a cesarean delivery, abdominal bandaging is done only after the scar has healed.

Dietary Changes
The diet of a woman in the post-natal period must be easy to digest and nourishing to support recovery and lactation. Key dietary guidelines include:
Warm, Cooked Foods: These help balance Vata and support digestion.
Lactation-Boosting Foods: Incorporate foods like fenugreek, fennel, and almonds to enhance milk production.
Hydration: Drinking warm herbal teas and water aids in hydration and detoxification.
Avoid Cold and Raw Foods: These can aggravate Vata and hinder digestion.
Special Recipes: Prepare foods with njavra rice, coconut, milk, green gram, finger millet (raggi), jaggery, fenugreek, garlic, shallots, and moringa leaves to enhance milk production and overall nutrition.
Preventing Urinary Infections: Drink water boiled with seeds of Tribulus terrestris and Boerhavia diffusa to prevent infections.

Lifestyle Modifications
Proper lifestyle modifications are crucial for recovery and well-being during the post-natal period:
Avoid Strenuous Activities: Ensure adequate rest and avoid heavy physical exertion.
Manage Stress: Engage in relaxation techniques and gentle activities to reduce stress.
Ensure Adequate Sleep: Proper sleep is essential for recovery and mental health.
Maintain Personal Hygiene: Practice good hygiene to prevent infections.
Warm Baths: Use water boiled with medicinal plant leaves for bathing to alleviate aggravated Vata.
Special Oil Massage: After healing stitches, oil massage helps tackle tissue depletion and Vata imbalance.
Abdominal Bandaging: Use cloth soaked with medicinal oil for abdominal bandaging to restore muscle tone and strength.
Lepana for Swelling: Apply suitable herbal powders externally to reduce swelling in the legs and feet.

Lehyam and Kashayam for Uterine Health

In Ayurvedic post-natal care, specific herbal formulations such as lehyam and kashayam are administered to strengthen uterine muscles and promote overall health:
Lehyam: A herbal jam prepared with various rejuvenating herbs that helps in restoring energy, enhancing immunity, and promoting uterine health.
Kashayam: herbal decoction designed to cleanse the body, support digestion, and aid in the recovery of uterine muscles.

Benefits of Ayurvedic Post-Natal Therapy

The approach of Ayurveda during the post-natal period offers numerous benefits:

  • Enhanced Recovery: Supports faster physical recovery and healing of tissues.

  • Improved Lactation: Promotes healthy lactation and ensures the baby receives adequate nutrition.

  • Mental Well-being: Alleviates stress, anxiety, and postpartum depression.

  • Hormonal Balance: Helps in restoring hormonal balance and regular menstrual cycles.

  • Strength and Vitality: Rebuilds strength and enhances overall vitality and immunity.

Post-natal care is a crucial aspect of a woman’s health journey, and Ayurveda provides a nurturing approach to support this phase. By incorporating dietary practices, herbal remedies, massages, and specialized treatments, Ayurveda helps new mothers restore their health and well-being effectively. If you are navigating the post-natal period and seeking natural, thorough support, I, Dr. Geeta Patil from Sanjeevani Ayurveda, am here to guide you through this transformative time with care and expertise.

Wishing you balance and rejuvenation on your post-natal journey,

Dr. Geeta Patil

Sanjeevani Ayurveda